image caption {{admissionCtrl.org_details[0].org_name}} {{admissionCtrl.org_details[0].org_certification}} {{admissionCtrl.org_details[0].addr_line1+', '+admissionCtrl.org_details[0].addr_line2+', '+admissionCtrl.org_details[0].city+' '+admissionCtrl.org_details[0].pincode+'.'}} Tel: {{admissionCtrl.org_details[0].contact_no}} Email: {{admissionCtrl.org_details[0].email}}

List of shortlisted students for Nursery admission year 2022-23

  1. Parents (Both Mother and Father) are requested to visit the school office along with your child as per schedule published.
  2. Following documents e school visit
    1. Downloaded copy of nursery requisition form..
    2. Self attested copy of documents uploaded with the form.
    3. Original documents for verification.
    4. Passport size photograph (1) of the child.
    5. Fitness certificate (Certified by Registered Pediatric Practitioner).
  1. As a school we will strictly follow the SOP's of the COVID-19, and the same is expected from the visitors.
  2. Parking is not allowed in school premises

Date: {{}}   Time: {{result_value.start_time}} - {{result_value.end_time}}
Form no. Name
{{value.form_number}} {{value.last_name+" "+value.first_name+" "+value.middle_name}}
No record found..!